SEO means search engine optimization in which we use certain techniques to rank our website or web pages on the search engine to gain customers. It is very hard to rank a website on the first page of the search engine like Google, Bing or Yahoo. Google making changes in search algorithms on a daily basis.

Here I am going to share some of the most important SEO ON PAGE factors that will help your website to gain the ranking in the search engine result pages (SERP).

1. Perfecting Keyword Research and Targeting: First check for the theme of the website and find out the best keywords that you can choose.

2. Creation of descriptive Title tags with your keyword and Brand – one of the most important factors in SEO is to add brand name and important keywords in the title of the web page.

3. Ensure title tag is less than 65 characters, including spaces. As we know that search engine limits the Title tag to around 65 characters so it is better to fix the title within that limit. That will help your web page rank better.

4. Ensure description tag is less than 155 characters, including spaces. Similar is the case with the description tag of the webpage.

5. Creation of meta description tags of the page, including tagged facts and structured data about the Page.

6. Creation of search engine friendly URLs with relevant keyword or phrase with a shorter length.

7. Try to create static URLs, avoid dynamic URL and session IDs

8. Use hyphens in the URL for separation.

9. Creation of Meta Robots to allow the search engine to index the web page

10. Canonical URL Tag: To avoid duplicate content on your site from search engines indexing.

11. Create Breadcrumb Navigation Links Structure.

12. Create an appropriate internal links on a web page along with variant anchor tags for a link.

13. Use of NoFollow on the outgoing links like social media links.

14. Test the website in different browsers for the smooth working and loading time etc.

15. Add proper keywords in the content of a web page for ranking.

16. Check duplicate content on the website and add unique and quality content.

17. Ensuring optimum keyword density on each web page of the website.

18. Use of Keyword variations including synonyms, singular and plural forms.

19. Proper use of header tags like H1, H2 and H3 etc.

20. Creating keyword prominence, frequency and proximity

21. Use ALT tag for image optimization along with the keyword or phrase.

22. Avoid Using frames, flash etc.

23. Check For broken links, 404 errors and dead links.

24. Creation of Sitemaps in text, HTML, RSS, ROR and XML.

25. Creation and Validation of Robots.txt File.

26. Creation proper redirects by using .htaccess file.

27. Optimizing your 404 web page.

28. Google Analytics Account Set.

29. Create and Manage Google, Bing and Yahoo Webmaster Tool.

30. Google page speed test to evaluate the performance of web pages.

Author: admin
WebTecz is a complete IT service providing company located in India dealing in Digital Marketing, Web Development & Designing, App Development and eCommerce development. Contact us for 6 month industrial training.

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